miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

Illustrators - Ilustradores: John Cuneo - Golf Players - Augusta Ga - Masters Golf Tournament - Bio data - Links

Last April, Golf Digest sent me down to Augusta Ga. to take in the Masters Golf Tournament. Spent a week down there wandering around with a sketchbook, a bad hat and a press pass . Apparently every year the magazine sends an illustrator or artist and a guest writer to record his/her observations from the unique perspective of a socially stunted outsider. Also, Jeffery Smith and Mark Ulriksen had the gig the two years before and did extraordinary work, so in terms of precedent and artistic standards, you're kind of in a tough spot . Here are some of the results ,published in the current Masters Preview Issue and online. The Art Director at Golf Digest is Mr. Ken DeLago. The woman above was drawn on the course while I snuck sideways looks through my sunglasses. Tried to do a better version once I got home but this sketchbook drawing was the best I could manage. I'm not sure what she was sitting on, but I want one.

John's site

John Cuneo (born January 4, 1957) is an American illustrator, whose work has appeared in many major publications, including The New Yorker, Esquire, Sports Illustrated and The Atlantic Monthly. He has been awarded several medals from the Society of Illustrators in New York City.[1] He is also the author of the 2007 book nEuROTIC.[2]

Complete in:



Ana Juan

Arnold Roth

Aubrey Beardsley

Fred Ellis

John Buckland Wright

Illustrators - Ilustradores: John Cuneo - Golf Players - Augusta Ga - Masters Golf Tournament - Bio data - Links

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