NASA: It is happening now - Está sucediendo ahora - 01-04-11 - Arabian Sand Storm . Saudi Arabia - United Arab Emirates - Oman - Arabian Sea

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 20:12

Open your mind, your heart to other cultures
Abra su mente, su corazón a otras culturas
You will be a better person
Usted será una mejor persona

Arabian Sand Storm

Arabian Sand Storm

The thick wall of dust that blew across the Arabian Peninsula March 25–27, 2011, had thinned into an ethereal plume that extended across the Arabian Sea by the time the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Terra satellite captured this image on March 30. The long plume extends across hundreds of kilometers from the southern shores of Oman to the coast of Pakistan. Clouds of dust from the powerful storm still linger over the peninsula and the Gulf of Oman.
NASA image courtesy Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team at NASA GSFC. Caption by Holli Riebeek.
Terra - MODIS

NASA: It is happening now - Está sucediendo ahora - 01-04-11 - Arabian Sand Storm . Saudi Arabia - United Arab Emirates - Oman - Arabian Sea

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My blogs are an open house to all cultures, religions and countries. Be a follower if you like it, with this action you are building a new culture of tolerance, open mind and heart for peace, love and human respect.

Thanks :)

Mis blogs son una casa abierta a todas las culturas, religiones y países. Se un seguidor si quieres, con esta acción usted está construyendo una nueva cultura de la tolerancia, la mente y el corazón abiertos para la paz, el amor y el respeto humano.

Gracias :)

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