sábado, 14 de marzo de 2015

Music: Alexander Scriabin - Symphony No.1 Op. 26 - Radio Sinfonie Orchester Frankfurt - Eliahu Inbal: director - Photos - Links

A.Scriabin Symphony No.1, Op. 26

Radio Sinfonie Orchester Frankfurt- Eliahu Inbal: director
Doris Soffel: mezzosoprano
Fausto Tenzi: tenor
Frankfurter Kantorei

I. Lento
II. Allegro dramatico
III. Lento
IV. Vivace
V. Allegro
VI. Andante

The full translation of the text of the final movement is roughly as follows:

O wonderful image of the Divine,
Harmony's pure Art!
To you we gladly bring
Praise of that rapturous feeling.
You are life's bright hope,
You are celebration, you are respite,
Like a gift you bring to the people
Your enchanted visions.
In that gloomy and cold hour,
When the soul is full of tumult,
Man finds in you
The spry joy of consolation.
Strength, fallen in battle, you
Miraculously call to life,
In the exhausted and afflicted mind
You breed thoughts of a new order.
An endless ocean of emotion you
Breed in the enraptured heart,
And sings the best songs of songs,
Your high priest, by you enlivened.
On Earth gloriously reigns
Your spirit, free and mighty,
Man lifted by you
Gloriously conducts the greatest feat.
Come, all peoples of the world,
Let us sing the praises of Art!
Glory to Art,
Glory forever!

Fecha o año de composición     1899–1900
Primera interpretación     1901-03 in Moscow

    RMS Orchestra, Vasily Safonov (conductor)

Año de la primera publicación     1900 - Leipzig: M.P. Belaieff, Plates 2228 (score), 2229 (parts)
Libretista     Composer?
Idioma     Russian
Duración promedio     45 minutes
Estilo     Romantic
Instrumentación     Voices, chorus, orchestra

    Vocal Soloists


    Chorus (SATB)

        3 flutes (3rd also piccolo), 2 oboes, 3 clarinets (A), 2 bassoons
        4 horns (F), 3 trumpets (B♭), 3 trombones, tuba
        timpani, bells, harp, strings

Music: Alexander Scriabin - Symphony No.1 Op. 26 - Radio Sinfonie Orchester Frankfurt - Eliahu Inbal: director - Photos - Links

Ricardo M Marcenaro - Facebook


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