viernes, 27 de marzo de 2015

Photos - Fotos: Fernando Moleres - Explotation of Child Labour - Part 1 - Data - Links

About Fernando Moleres

Bilbao 1963.

For more than 20 years I have photographed current affairs related to human rights. Some of these stories, such as child labor exploitation or minors in jail, deliver unquestionable evidence of situations that should be abolished or, at the very least, persecuted.
Documental photography is, for me, a life-affirming attitude, a tool that lets me approach situations that captivate me, preoccupy me, and make me want to participate.
Moreover, as photographer, I work and delve into subjects that transcend present time, but intrigue me for their experience and expose me to other types of lives. Being a freelancer lets me work on personal projects over a long period of time.
My photo stories/reports/projects are distributed by photography agencies--Panos, Laif, Luz Photos--and regularly appear in national and international newspapers.

Prizes & Grants    

- Tim Hetherington Grant 2012. World Press Photo and Human Watch Rights
-Lucie Awards 2012, Deeper Perspective Award. Los Angeles, USA.
-Moving Walls 2012, "Juvenile in prison, Sierra Leone".
- World Press Photo 2011, " Juvenile in prison, Sierra Leone" in Daily life series.
- POY, Picture of the Year 2011. World Understanding Award. USA
- 8th Festival Images, Leica Prize. Vevey, Switzerland 2011.
- Finalist W. Eugene Smith Grant. N.Y.C USA 2011.
- Luis Valtueña International prize 2010, Spain.
- World Press Photo 2002 , Burning Man in Art , series.
- W. Eugene Smith Grant 1999 ( 2ª prize) . New York.
- World Press Photo 1998, " Child labour" in Daily life series.
- Erna and Victor Hasselblad Foundation Grant. Sweden 1996.
- International Prize Juan Carlos King of Spain. Spain 1995.
- Mother Jones Grant. Los Angeles, USA 1994.


-Child Labour. Published by: Peliti (ITA), Braus (GER), Acte Sud (FRA), Lunwerg (ESP), International edition by OIT
- Uomini Di Dio (ITA),
- Images de la Foi ( FRA),
- Lives of Devotion (USA &CAN)
Published by Rizzoli International,
-Hombres de Dios Published by La Esfera (ESP)
Exhibitions     -Moving Walls 2013, New York City and Washington
- Festival Images , Vevey Switzerland. Sept. 2012, Juvenile in prisons, Sierra Leone
- IVAM (Art modern Museum of Valencia) May 2012, Juvenile in prisons, Sierra Leone
- The Saatchi Gallery, London( feb-2012) collective,Child labour
- The Sunday Times Magazine 50th Anniversary Photography Exhibition
- FotoEvidence Gallery, NYC, Oct 2011, Juvenile in prisons, Sierra Leone
- Newseum. Washington April 2011, Juvenile in prisons, Sierra Leone
- Visa pour l´image. France. Sept. 2011, Juvenile in prisons, Sierra Leone
- Expo Photo Month Krakow Polond. June 2008 ,Child labour
- Fundación Telefónica- Ayto Lima, Peru. May 2008,Child labour
- Caja Canarias, Tenerife. Febr. 2008, Exodus in Rwanda 1996
- Side Gallery Newcastle-England Oct-Nov 2005,Child labour
- Dunkers Kulturhus , Helsinborg Sweden January-Marz 2005,Child labour
- Noordelicht Photofestival , Holland 2003, Child labour
- Gallery Dupon , Paris. May-2003, Ethiopian Christians
- Museum of Pilgrimage , Santiago Compostela,Spain. 2002,Ethiopian Christians
- Photo festival de Honfleur, Francia. Mayo 2001, Child labour
- Visa pour L´Image, France. 2000, Child labour
- PHotoEspaña 2000, Child labour

Fernando's site:

Photographer Fernando Moleres Wins 2012 Tim Hetherington Grant

 Spanish photographer Fernando Moleres has won the 2012 Tim Hetherington Grant, World Press Photo and Human Rights Watch have announced. Moleres was awarded the grant to complete his project called "Waiting for an Opportunity."

The 20,000 euro grant (about $26,000), established in 2011 to celebrate Hetherington's legacy as a photographer and filmmaker, is intended to help a visual journalist complete an existing project with a human rights theme. Moleres was one of 176 journalists from 53 countries to apply for the grant this year.

His project focuses on the hardship and injustice that incarcerated youth are subjected to at an adult prison in Pademba, Sierra Leone. Many wait years for trial under harsh conditions without access to legal assistance. Their families often reject them, and they struggle to re-adjust to prison life after their release.

The project includes coverage of the lives of a number of former inmates taken into a rehabilitation program that Moleres started in order to help them, called Free Minor Africa.

Judges for this year's Tim Hetherington Grant included photographer Marcus Bleasdale; journalist and documentary filmmaker James Barbazon; Whitney C. Johnson, director of photography The New Yorker; Michiel Munneke, managing director, World Press Photo; and Carroll Bogert, deputy executive director for external relations for Human Rights Watch. 

World Press Photo said that the selection committee "looked for the qualities that defined Hetherington’s career"--in particular, work that straddled boundaries between news coverage and documentary, and that demonstrated a moral commitment to the lives and stories of the subjects.

Bleasdale said in the WPP announcement, "For me, just as for Tim, photography is a starting point, the start of a journey and you try to work out what you can do with that photo to affect change, to inform and to educate. This project [by Fernando Moleres] has that vision."

Hetherington was killed in April, 2011 while covering the uprising in Libya against the regime of former dictator Muammar Qaddafi.

The winner of the first Tim Hetherington Grant, awarded a year ago, was Stephen Ferry. He won for his long-term project "Violentology: A Manual of the Colombian Conflict," which examines Colombia's decades-long guerrilla war.

From PDN

Photos - Fotos: Fernando Moleres - Explotation of Child Labour - Part 1 - Data - Links

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