Photos - Fotos: Thomas Hoepker - Japan - 16 photos - Photo-journalism - Foto-periodismo - Links

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 13:49

Thomas Hoepker
Hiroshima. 1977.
The Atomic Bomb Memorial

Thomas Hoepker
Japan Kyushu. 1977.
Temple roofs in fog

Thomas Hoepker
Japan, Kyoto.
School children with umbrellas visiting a temple in the Kiyomizu hills. 1977

Thomas Hoepker
Japan, Tokyo.
Cherry blossom festival in April

Thomas Hoepker
JAPAN. Kyoto. 1977.
An oiran geisha in full dress at the Sumiya house in the Shimabara area

Thomas Hoepker
JAPAN. Kyoto.
A Geisha in Sumiya geisha house in Shimbara area. The "Oiran" wears her traditional costume. 1977

Thomas Hoepker
JAPAN. Tokyo. 2002.
Cafe and giant video screen at the Shinjuku Railway Station

Thomas Hoepker
JAPAN. Tokyo.
The sun of the Japanese flag painted on a girl's forehead. 1977

Thomas Hoepker
Kyoto. 1977.
A geisha in traditional oiran dress in a 17th century tea house

Thomas Hoepker
Kyoto. 1977.
A tea ceremony at the Urasenke Foundation

Thomas Hoepker
Kyoto. 1977.
Blossoms and roofs in a temple garden

Thomas Hoepker
Kyoto. 1977.
Ryoan-Ji ceremonial Zen garden

Thomas Hoepker
Kyoto. 1977.
The oiran's helper, a young girl, in full dress at the Sumiya geisha house in the Shimabara area

Thomas Hoepker
Kyoto. 1977.
Wood sticks containing the wishes of pilgrims are burned at Fushimi-Inari Shrine

Thomas Hoepker
Tokyo. 1977.
A young girl in festive dress with tattooed worshippers at a festival at the Akasuka Temple

Thomas Hoepker
Tokyo. 1977.
Umbrellas in front of the Jasukuni Shrine

Photos - Fotos: Thomas Hoepker - Japan - 16 photos - Photo-journalism - Foto-periodismo - Links



Muhammad Ali


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