Interview: Bill Evans - The Creative Process and Self-Teaching (3 videos) ("very Early" - "Time Remembered" and "My Bell" in video Nº 2) (1966) and The Bill Evans Trio (1971)

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 22:09

Bill Evans 
Thanks to

Extracted from the movie "The Universal Mind of Bill Evans
Creative Process and Self-Teaching".

In this part, Bill talks about how to deal with obstacles, and how to build one's vocabulary step-by-step.

In this second part, Bill talks about his own development as a musician. 
He shares his insights about evolving, playing professionally and the whole procces of learning.

In this third part, Bill shares his thoughts on teaching and plays excerpts from 3 tunes in the end, "very Early", "Time Remembered" and "My Bell"

Take a look at my other youtube page at for lots of other videos.

Thanks to sareston Youtube account

"The Jazz Set"

Bill Evans - Piano
Eddie Gomez - Bass
Marty Morell- Drums

Thanks to nunoalpi Youtube account

Ricardo Marcenaro
Sculptures – Esculturas

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