Painter: Copley John Singleton - Part 8

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 4:46

John Singleton Copley. 
Nicholas Boylston. 1767
 Oil on canvas
The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA, USA.

John Singleton Copley. 
Portrait of a Lady (Mrs. Seymor Fort). c. 1778. 
Oil on canvas 
Wadsworth  Atheneum Museum of Art – Hartford, Connecticut 

John Singleton Copley. 
Portrait of Hannah Loring. 1763. 
Oil on canvas. 126.4 x 99.7 cm . 
Detroit Institute of Arts Museum

John Singleton Copley. 
Portrait of Mrs. Daniel Hubbard. c. 1764. 
Oil on canvas, 127.6 x 100.9 cm.

John Singleton Copley. 
Portrait of Mrs. Daniel Rea and Child. 1757.
Oil on canvas, 124.5 x 99.1 cm.

Ricardo Marcenaro
Sculptures – Esculturas

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