Chile: Puerto Montt - A lot of Links from Chilean landscapes and culture - Muchos links de Paisajes y cultura Chilenas

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 14:13

Puerto Montt is the furthest south I went in Chile. Even though it's not even at 42 degrees South Latitude, it looks a lot further from the equator than that, having almost an Alaskan or Scandinavian appearance (except for the occasional palm due to lack of any severe cold) with the nearby snow-covered volcanoes and the architecture.
First a few views near the city center...

Looking out into the Gulf of Ancud (from downtown)...

In the outskirts of Puerto Montt, with cloud and snow covered volcanoes in the distance to the east...

Zooming in on Volcán Calbuco...

About 15 miles to the northwest was this nature preserve with native alerces (Fitzroya cupressoides), basically Chile's version of the redwood...

And very nearby, Eucryphia cordifolia...

All of the above pictures on this page were taken in November 2009 by Brandt Maxwell. 

 Chile: Puerto Montt - A lot of Links from Chilean landscapes and culture - Muchos links de Paisajes y cultura Chilenas

Chile landscapes- paisajes:

Original people from the south of Chile and Argentina:

Folk Music:

Folk Music by an Argentinian singer with Chilean motives:

Rock Folk Music:

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