Art: Humor: Urgent - It is happening now - Facebook and the dead - A delirant question - Ricardo Marcenaro text

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 18:47

Open your mind, your heart to other cultures
You will be a better person

Facebook and the dead. 
Some pending questions.

Why aren´t there any obituaries in Facebook?

How do we learn that a friend has died?

If we don´t find out: We have no right to think that our dead friend has offended us and we are not talking?


"Facebook is Disneyland, where no one dies not even the frozen Walt?

Who inherits the dead friend on Facebook?

Did the inheritance should go to the children of the deceased or a board of representatives of dear friends from Facebook to imitate the autistic spirit of the deceased?

Are we friends entitled to ask the family for the mouse and keyboard as a way of keeping in touch with our friend?

Why does Zuckerberg refuse to create a Spiritist Facebook? 
Don´t us friends have right to stay in touch?


What about the friend requests that are made to dead friends, are they suspended; offending  the solicitants?


Why is Facebook refusing to produce coffins, wreaths and crypts with the caption: Facebook and your friends wish you the best rest in peace?


"Obama will not take action on the case , so the U.S. government can defend the international community?

  You have nothing to say to the Hague Tribunal? 
(Millions of dead , isn´t that a massacre?)


If you agree with this statement, sign the bottom of the note.

For a more humane Facebook.

Ricardo Marcenaro
Sculptor - Thinker

 Friend of the deceased of Facebook

Art: Humor: Urgent! - It is happening now - Facebook and the dead - A delirant question - Ricardo Marcenaro text

You have an alphabetical guide in the foot of the page in the blog: solitary dog sculptor
In the blog: Solitary Dog Sculptor I, the alphabetical guide is on the right side of the page

Usted tiene una guía alfabética al pie de la página en el blog: solitary dog sculptor
En el blog: Solitary Dog Sculptor I, la guia alfabética está en el costado derecho de la página

Ricardo M Marcenaro - Facebook

Blogs in operation of The Solitary Dog:

solitary dog sculptor:

Solitary Dog Sculptor I:

comunicarse conmigo,
enviar materiales para publicar,
propuestas comerciales:

contact me,
submit materials for publication,
commercial proposals:

Diario La Nación
Cuenta Comentarista en el Foro:

My blogs are an open house to all cultures, religions and countries. Be a follower if you like it, with this action you are building a new culture of tolerance, open mind and heart for peace, love and human respect.

Thanks :)

Mis blogs son una casa abierta a todas las culturas, religiones y países. Se un seguidor si quieres, con esta acción usted está construyendo una nueva cultura de la tolerancia, la mente y el corazón abiertos para la paz, el amor y el respeto humano.

Gracias :)

Comments (5)

Where do I sign?? Love you, Solitary Dog!

Wait! I didn't mean to be Anonimo!! I just don't have a URL...Love ALISON LINNITT

Your comment is a sign, thanks for the tip, and your beloved form of staying with me that you have with Ricardo.
I'm a Solitary Dog no so solitary.
Love you too much.

ya ya ya
we have to be intouch
mohammad nouahn

My dear Mohammad, you are so present in my life, I never forget their efforts to meet again with me.
You are a brother in the soul, a gift who brought to me the net.
Blessings my dear friend :)

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