Architecture: Shangai World Expo 2010 - Israel pavilion - Part 2

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 1:55

rendering of aerial view

computer sketches

rendering of frame compotion

preliminary sketches

aerial plan of building and usage

'the hall of light'

when visitors first enter the main building of the pavilion, there will be multimedia showing
the history of jewish evolution, with a 15 m high screen displaying films which highlight the
country's innovative and technological achievements. this is called the 'hall of light'.

'the hall of light'

'the enlighten garden'

visitors enter the pavilion through 'the enlighten garden'.
about 50 orange trees will be planted within and will provide a space in which visitors
can be in touch with nature and irrigation technology israelites take pride in.

'the hall of innovation'
exhibition of audio-visual light balls

israel's slogan for the expo is 'innovation for better life'.
inside the pavilion jewish culture and innovation will take the spotlight in the 'hall of innovation'.
this is the centrepiece of the pavilion where an exhibition of audio-visual light balls.
here images of israelites appear on the screens, talking with visitors in chinese and hebrew.
each of the light spheres represent technical breakthroughs in such fields as agriculture, pharmacology, solar / green energy, music, telecommunications...

'the hall of innovation' up close
Building the pavilion

Ricardo Marcenaro
Sculptures – Esculturas

Ricardo M Marcenaro - Facebook

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