Islandia - Iceland: Þingvellir - Alþing

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 4:20

The church Þingvallakirkja - one of the oldest in Iceland

Þingvellir plateau (Congress plains) with the church Þingvallakirkja.

Þingvellir nature reserve is one of the most visited tourist sites in the country. Each year, this historically
very important areas visited by thousands of visitors. Þingvellir plateau (Congress plains) is famous
especially the fact that there in the years 930-1800 meet Icelandic Parliament Alþing (the first World Parliament).

 Þingvellir has been a nature reserve for almost eighty years and is Iceland's oldest nature reserve. The reserve is under the managment of the Parliament Þingvellir Commitee. In summer 2004 Þingvellir vas registered on the Unesco World Heritage List it is the first place in Iceland to be featured on the list, with features only the rarest pearl of nature

NewsReaders laws stood back to the Assembly and its message out loud cried against a stone wall.
The rest are in this acoustically unique place to ensure strong echoes.
Almannagjá gorge - tekotnic rift

Almannagjá gorge extends the length of several kilometers.

Congress plains, River Öxará

Lake Þingvallavatn

Rock Acts

Tectonic fault cleft Almannagjá with Öxará river, which according to legend here has been
preserved and stop artificially drained. Was so small waterfall Öxarárfoss.

In such places from one less American and Eurasian provincial board.

Þingvellir - Alþing

Iceland - Islandia
  Thanks to:

Ricardo Marcenaro
Sculptures – Esculturas

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