Nano art: 2009 MRS SPRING MEETING SCIENCE AS ART WINNERS - Materials Research Society

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 6:34

1st Place Winner
Adam Jakus, Georgia Institute of Technology
Pollenesian Serenity
Multiple species of bare and alumina coated pollen particle images obtained via SEM

 1st Place Winner
Blythe G. Clark (Sandia National Lab) and Dan Gianola (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe GmbH)
Nano Spaghetti & Meatballs
Colorized and overlaid scanning electron microscope images of Spaghetti & Meatballs made out of Au and Si. The 'spaghetti' is a collection of electrodeposited Au nanowires, 100 nm in diameter, that have released from the substrate and bundled together (Thomas Cornelius – GSI Darmstadt). The 'meatballs' are Si nanoparticles, ~1.5 um in diameter, with Au nanocrystals on the surface that were grown on carbon-coated substrates using ultra-high vacuum molecular beam epitaxy (Gunther Richter – MPI Stuttgart). These images highlight some of the many varied structures that can be formed at the nanoscale. 

 1st Place Winner
Nikolai Chekurov
, Helsinki University of Technology

The modern Stonehedge: Colorized SEM image of silicon nanopillar formation created by Gallium implantation and DRIE-etching.

 2nd Place Winner
Adam Steele, University of Illinois
Nano-Santa with his bag of nano-tubes. This was discovered on the surface of one of our superhydrophobic nanocomposite coatings. It has been colored slightly by image processing for artistic effect.

 2nd Place Winner
James C Weaver, University of California, Riverside
Sucker Rings of Squid Tentacles
The individual toothed sucker rings of squid tentacles (highlighted in red) provide additional gripping power during prey capture and handling. These rings comprise a nanoscale network of parallel tubular elements, as shown in the background image which significantly alter the macromechanical properties of the resulting structure.

 2nd Place Winner
Wei-Fang Su, National Taiwan University
Heavy Surf in Dark Night
The is a POM micrograph of self-assembled DEH-PPV-b-PMMA rod-coil block copolymer with 66% volume fraction of PMMA block prepared at 180oC to form the birefringent smectic phase and then cooled down to room temperature. Credit: Wei-Fang Su, Chun-Lin Lin, and Chun-Chih Ho, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan 

Ricardo Marcenaro
Sculptures – Esculturas

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Gracias :)

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