Music: Brenda Lee - Here Comes That Feeling

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 20:58

Brenda Lee 

Here Comes That Feeling

Here comes that feeling again, and it ain't right,
That lonely feeling that come to me last night.
It hurts to see you in my arms of my friend.
Here comes that lonely, lonely feeling again.

I saw you last night, in a drive-in way downtown;
Locked in her arm, you didn't know I'd be around.
Alone in my room, I remember where you've been.
Here comes that lonely, lonely feeling again.

I've gotta get rid of this lonely feeling
That makes me feel the way I do when a day is done.
Someday you're gonna know what it means to be lonesome.
You're gonna want me back while I'm having fun.

Here comes that feeling again, and it ain't right,
That lonely feeling that come to me last night.
It hurts to see you in my arms of my friend.
Here comes that lonely, lonely feeling again.
Oh, I'm so lonely.
MMM, I feel that feeling
And it's hurting me, mmm

Ricardo Marcenaro
Sculptures – Esculturas

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Gracias :)

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