NASA: Mozambique - Zambezi River Delta - 12.22.13
Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in NASA: Mozambique - Zambezi River Delta - 12.22.13 | Posted on 16:07

acquired August 29, 2013
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acquired August 29, 2013
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It drains a watershed that spans
eight countries and nearly 1.6 million square kilometers (600,000 square
miles). The Zambezi (also Zambeze) is the fourth largest river in
Africa, and the largest east-flowing waterway. From headwaters in
Zambia, it rolls across 2,574 kilometers (1,599 miles) of the
south-central African plateau before pouring water and sediment into the
Indian Ocean through a vast delta in Mozambique.
The Operational Land Imager on the Landsat 8 satellite acquired this
natural-color image of the Zambezi Delta on August 29, 2013. Sandbars
and barrier spits stretch across the mouths of the delta, and suspended
sediment extends tens of kilometers out into the sea. The sandy outflow
turns the coastal waters to a milky blue-green compared to the deep blue
of open water in the Indian Ocean.
The Zambezi Delta includes 230 kilometers of coastline fronting
18,000 square kilometers (7,00 square miles) of swamps, floodplains, and
even savannahs (inland). The area has long been prized by subsistence
fishermen and farmers, who find fertile ground for crops like sugar and
fertile waters for prawns and fish. Buffaloes, cranes, and other
wildlife also have found a haven in this internationally recognized wetland.
However, the past six decades have brought great changes to the
Zambezi Delta, which used to pour more water and sediment off of the
continent. Hydropower dams upstream—most prominently, the Kariba and the
Cahora Bassa—reduced the river flow by about half and made it more
steady and predictable. The result has been less water reaching the
delta and in the plains that rely on pulses of nutrients and sediments
from annual (and mostly benign) natural flooding.
The change in the flow of the river affects freshwater availability
and quality in the delta. Strong flows push fresh water further out into
the sea and naturally keep most of a delta full of fresh (or mostly
fresh) water. When that fresh flow eases, the wetlands become drier and
more prone to fire. Salt water from the Indian Ocean also can penetrate
further into the marsh, upsetting the ecological balance for aquatic
plant and animal species. Researchers have found that the freshwater
table in the delta has dropped as much as five meters in the 50 years
since dams were placed on the river.
Less river flow also affects the shape and extent of the delta. Today
there is less sediment replenishing the marshes and beaches as they are
scoured by ocean waves and tides. “What strikes me in this image is the
suspended sediment offshore,” said Liviu Giosan, a delta geologist at
the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
“Sediment appears to be transferred from the delta offshore in plumes
that not only originate in active river mouths but also from deactivated
former mouths, now tidal channels. This shows the power of tidal
scouring contributing to the slow but relentless erosion of the delta.”
Further Reading
- World Rivers Review, via International Rivers (2006) Restoring the Zambezi: Can Dams Play a Role? Accessed December 10, 2013.
- NASA Earth Observatory (2001, March 11) Flooded Zambeze River.
- Richard Beilfuss, International Crane Foundation (2013) Environmental Flows and Restoration of the Zambezi Delta, Mozambique (PDF) World Delta Dialogues. Accessed December 10, 2013.
- The Travel Guide to Victoria Falls The Zambezi River. Accessed December 10, 2013.
- The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands The Annotated Ramsar List: Mozambique. Accessed December 10, 2013.
NASA Earth Observatory images by Robert Simmon, using Landsat 8 data from the USGS Earth Explorer. Caption by Mike Carlowicz.
- Instrument:
- Landsat 8 - OLI
NASA: Mozambique - Zambezi River Delta - 12.22.13
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