Animals - Animales: Mothers - Madres - Part 2

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 7:28

Brown Bears Lake Clark, Alaska
photo credit: Rick Rasmussen
"The rain was falling and a curious kid looks out from behind his mother. 

Sea Lions, Espanola Island, Galapagos Islands
photo credit: Eddie Schermerhorn
“I had been crawling around in the sand trying to get a good angle for a shot, when this scene fell into place. 

Bald eagles, Katmai, Alaska
photo credit: John Hunter
"Hiding on a nearby cliff pays off with this a touching snapshot of a mother, feeding their chicks.

A mother cheetah and cubs in the Masai Mara, Kenya
photo credit: Eberhard Brunner
Patence pays off in this image of female cheetah guarding her cubs.

The baboons in the Selinda Reserve, Botswana
photo credit: Adrian Beeyli
"A family of baboons, happily courting each other on the island of Palm.

Ricardo Marcenaro
Sculptures – Esculturas

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Gracias :)

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