Botany: Verbena - Photos - Wiki data en Castellano and English

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 12:36

Purpletop Vervain, Argentinian Verbena, Upright Verbena (Verbena bonariensis) 

Purpletop Vervain, Argentinian Verbena, Upright Verbena (Verbena bonariensis) 

Purpletop Vervain, Argentinian Verbena, Upright Verbena (Verbena bonariensis) 

 Texas Vervain (Verbena halei)

 Texas Vervain (Verbena halei) 

 Verbena 'Fiesta'

 Verbena 'Peaches & Cream' (Verbena x hybrida)

 Vervain 'Lanai Upright Purple Mosaic'

 Verbena (Verbena x hortensis)

Verbena (verbena) es un género botánico de herbáceas planta anual y perenne o semileñosas con cerca de 250 especies de la familia Verbenaceae. La mayoría de sus especies son nativas del Nuevo Mundo del sur de Canadá al sur de Chile, pero hay algunas nativas del Viejo Mundo, principalmente de Europa incluyendo a V. officinalis, V. supina.
La verbena sirve como medicina para la piel
Las hojas son usualmente opuestas, simples, y en muchas especies pilosas, frecuentemente densamente. Flores pequeñas, blancas, rosa, púrpuras o azules, con cinco pétalos, en densas agrupaciones.

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Verbena (pronounced /vərˈbiːnə/)[1] (verbenas or vervains) is a genus in the family Verbenaceae. It contains about 250 species of annual and perennial herbaceous or semi-woody flowering plants. The majority of the species are native to the New World from Canada south to southern Chile, but some are also native in the Old World, mainly in Europe. These include Common Vervain (V. officinalis) and V. supina.
The leaves are usually opposite, simple, and in many species hairy, often densely so. The flowers are small, with five petals, and borne in dense spikes. Typically some shade of blue, they may also be white, pink, or purple, especially in cultivars.
The genus can be divided into a diploid North American and a polyploid South American lineage, both with a base chromosome number of 7. The European species derived from the North American lineage. It seems that Verbena as well as the related mock vervains (Glandularia) evolved from the assemblage provisionally treated under the genus name Junellia; both other genera were usually included in the Verbenaceae until the 1990s[2]. Intergeneric chloroplast gene transfer by an undetermined mechanism – though probably not hybridization – has occurred at least twice from vervains to Glandularia, between the ancestors of the present-day South American lineages and once more recently, between V. orcuttiana or Swamp Verbena (V. hastata) and G. bipinnatifida. In addition, several species of Verbena are of natural hybrid origin; the well-known Garden Vervaincomputational phylogenetics.[3] has an entirely muddy history. The relationships of this close-knit group are therefore hard to resolve with standard methods of computational phylogenetics.[3]

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Comments (1)

Hola! Estoy tratando de hallar fotos para el sitio de web de una venta de plantas que sera sin lucro (usaremos los fondos para una escuela). Seria posible usar esta foto de Verbena 'Peaches and Cream' en el sitio?


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