Music: Tanya Tagaq Gillis - Qiujaviit - Bio data - Links - Inuit Music

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 20:59

Tanya Tagaq Gillis



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Tanya Tagaq Gillis (BFA) (sometimes credited as Tagaq) is an Inuit  throat singer from Cambridge Bay (Ikaluktuutiak), Nunavut, Canada, on the south coast of Victoria Island.[1]  After attending school in Cambridge Bay, at age 15, she went to Yellowknife, Northwest Territories to attend high school where she first began to practice throat singing. She later studied visual arts at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design University and while there developed her own solo form of Inuit throat singing, which is normally done by two women.[2]

Ricardo Marcenaro
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Gracias :)

Music: Tanya Tagaq Gillis - Qiujaviit - Bio data - Links - Inuit Music

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