Photos: Jagath Dheerasekara - Link

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 21:38

Ampilatawatja, located 350km north-east of Alice Springs, in the Northern Territory (NT) of Australia, is a "prescribed community" under the NT intervention.

Their struggle to survive for last 200 years has been made further difficult by the NT Intervention policy introduced by the Federal Government in 2007.

There are no proper jobs in the community, and the housing - once administered by the people - has been neglected since taken over by the government.

Most of them feel that the intervention, which in effect revoked their right to land, has disempowered the communities.

Many fear that their land would be grabbed for uranium mining and for dumping nuclear waste.

In July last year, the Alyawarr people walked off from the prescribed area controlled by the government, and began to build a new community on their homeland.

My project is about their survival, struggles and aspiration.

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Ricardo Marcenaro
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Gracias :)

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