Music: Chet Baker - Serenity - Someone To Watch Over Me - 52 photos - Lyrics - 2 vids - Links to more ChB

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 13:15

Chet Baker - Serenity

 Por Antonio Toro

Chet Baker - Someone To Watch Over Me

There's a saying old says that love is blind
Still were often told, seek and ye shall find
So I'm going to seek a certain lad I've had in mind
Looking everywhere, haven't found him yet

Hes the big affair I cannot forget
Only man I ever think of with regret
I'd like to add his initial to my monogram
Tell me, where is the shepherd for this lost lamb?

There's a somebody I'm longing to see
I hope that he turns out to be
Someone who'll watch over me
I'm a little lamb who's lost in the wood
I know I could always be good
Someone who'll watch over me

Although he may not be the man some
Girls think of as handsome
To my heart he carries the key
Won't you tell him please to put on some speed
Follow my lead, oh, how I need
Someone to watch over me


Music: Chet Baker - Serenity - Someone To Watch Over Me - 52 photos - Lyrics - 2 vids - Links to more ChB

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