Poesie - Poetry: Francesco Petrarca - Era il giorno ch'al sol si scoloraro - It was on that day when the sun's ray - Que' ch'infinita providentia et arte - What infinite providence and art - Links

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 8:43

Era il giorno ch'al sol si scoloraro
per la pietà del suo factore i rai,
quando i' fui preso, et non me ne guardai,
ché i be' vostr'occhi, donna, mi legaro.

Tempo non mi parea da far riparo
contra colpi d'Amor: però m'andai
secur, senza sospetto; onde i miei guai
nel commune dolor s'incominciaro.

Trovommi Amor del tutto disarmato
et aperta la via per gli occhi al core,
che di lagrime son fatti uscio et varco:

però al mio parer non li fu honore
ferir me de saetta in quello stato,
a voi armata non mostrar pur l'arco.

It was on that day when the sun's ray
was darkened in pity for its Maker,
that I was captured, and did not defend myself,
because your lovely eyes had bound me, Lady.

It did not seem to me to be a time to guard myself
against Love's blows: so I went on
confident, unsuspecting; from that, my troubles
started, amongst the public sorrows.

Love discovered me all weaponless,
and opened the way to the heart through the eyes,
which are made the passageways and doors of tears:

so that it seems to me it does him little honour
to wound me with his arrow, in that state,
he not showing his bow at all to you who are armed.

Que' ch'infinita providentia et arte
mostrò nel suo mirabil magistero,
che crïò questo et quell'altro hemispero,
et mansüeto piú Giove che Marte,

vegnendo in terra a 'lluminar le carte
ch'avean molt'anni già celato il vero,
tolse Giovanni da la rete et Piero,
et nel regno del ciel fece lor parte.

Di sé nascendo a Roma non fe' gratia,
a Giudea sí, tanto sovr'ogni stato
humiltate exaltar sempre gli piacque;

ed or di picciol borgo un sol n'à dato,
tal che natura e 'l luogo si ringratia
onde sí bella donna al mondo nacque.

What infinite providence and art
He showed in his wonderful mastery,
who created this and the other hemisphere,
and Jupiter far gentler than Mars,

descending to earth to illuminate the page
which had for many years concealed the truth,
taking John from the nets, and Peter,
and making them part of heaven's kingdom.

It did not please him to be born in Rome,
but in Judea: to exalt humility
to such a supreme state always pleases him;

and now from a little village a sun is given,
such that the place, and nature, praise themselves,

out of which so lovely a lady is born to the world.


Poesie - Poetry: Francesco Petrarca - Era il giorno ch'al sol si scoloraro - It was on that day when the sun's ray - Que' ch'infinita providentia et arte - What infinite providence and art - Links

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