NASA: Ricardo Marcenaro Article: Humans as ants - Ricardo Marcenaro articulo: Humanos Como Hormigas - Inauguration Day Crowds in Washington, D.C. - Posted by NASA on January 22-2009

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in , | Posted on 17:21

Open your mind, your heart to other cultures
Abra su mente, su corazón a otras culturas
You will be a better person
Usted será una mejor persona

Inauguration Day Crowds in Washington, D.C. 

Posted january 22, 2009

Inauguration Day Crowds in Washington, D.C.

 NASA: Ricardo Marcenaro Article: Humans as ants - Ricardo Marcenaro articulo: Humanos Como Hormigas - Inauguration Day Crowds in Washington, D.C. - Posted by NASA on January 22-2009


Humans as ants

My day is, in a large part of it, images, dedicated to research, to have a good bank of it for the public library of free access that I'm building with my blogs, with the pleasure to know and to think, every day.

This is a marvelous image that put me in the way the thinker, analyzing some aspects around the human condition.

Humans forget that they are animals, we speak about education, civilization, prosperity, techniques and technologies, putting us in a separate place of the creation, but, sorry, when we watch pics like this, ants come to my mind.

Yes, ants, if you see the detailed image, the enlarged version, what is the difference from the streets of a great city in a celebration or a work day and an anthill?, simple, it has the same correlation.

In his migrations, in his forage expeditions, ants do what humans do, depredate, changing his environment, with the consequence of the extermination of the local species, or the human did another thing in jungles, forests, rivers, oceans, mountains, grasslands and deserts?

Think in that, think in our responsibility to, in a verification of our education, to stop being beasts.

It is my opinion, with the proof, you have the opportunity to do your own conclusions.

And thanks to NASA for the wonderful opportunity that gives us, every day, to know more.
Ricardo M Marcenaro


Los seres humanos como hormigas

Mi día es, en gran parte de el, imágenes, dedicado a la investigación, para tener un buen banco de las mismas para la biblioteca pública de libre acceso que estoy construyendo con mis blogs, con el placer de conocer y pensar, todos los días.

Esta es una imagen maravillosa que me puso en el camino del pensador, analizando algunos aspectos en torno a la condición humana.

Los seres humanos se olvidan de que son animales, hablamos de la educación, la civilización, la prosperidad, técnicas y tecnologías, poniéndolo en un lugar separado de la creación, pero, lo siento, cuando vemos fotos como esta, las hormigas vienen a mi mente.

Sí, las hormigas, si usted ve la imagen detallada, la versión ampliada, ¿cuál es la diferencia de las calles de una gran ciudad en una fiesta o un día de trabajo y un hormiguero?, simple, tiene la misma correlación.

En sus migraciones, en sus expediciones de forrajes, las hormigas hacen lo que hacen los seres humanos, depredar, cambiando su medio ambiente, con la consecuencia del exterminio de las especies locales, ¿o el hombre hizo otra cosa en las selvas, bosques, ríos, océanos, montañas, praderas y los desiertos?

Piense en eso, pensar en nuestra responsabilidad, en la verificación de nuestra educación, para dejar de ser bestias.

En mi opinión, con la prueba, usted tiene la oportunidad de hacer sus propias conclusiones.

y gracias a la NASA por la maravillosa oportunidad que nos da, cada día, para saber más.
Ricardo M Marcenaro

The Orginal Text of the post of NASA

Despite the blustery weather, more than a million people gathered in Washington, D.C., on January 20, 2009, to witness and celebrate the inauguration of the forty-fourth president of the United States. The commercial satellite GeoEye-1 captured this high-resolution view of the crowds that morning.
The Capitol is at image right; the dome and the bright blue-green roofs are easy to recognize. To the right of image center, what at first seems to be a dense, leafless forest is actually the crowd of people closest to the site of the swearing-in ceremony, which takes place on the steps of the Capitol. To the left of center is the greenish rectangle of one of the reflecting pools on the National Mall—the strip of open lawn that stretches from the Capitol in the east to the Lincoln Memorial in the west.
West of the reflecting pool is the first of numerous satellite crowds that were strung out in pockets along the length of the mall. Jumbo screens were placed along the route to allow people far from the Capitol to see the event. A pair of especially large crowds clustered on the lawn surrounding the Washington Monument (white obelisk, visible in the large version of the image).
  1. References

  2. Shear, M., and Kornblut, A. (2009, January 20). A Historic Inauguration Draws Throngs To the Mall. Accessed January 21, 2009.
Image courtesy GeoEye. Caption by Rebecca Lindsey.

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My blogs are an open house to all cultures, religions and countries. Be a follower if you like it, with this action you are building a new culture of tolerance, open mind and heart for peace, love and human respect.

Thanks :)

Mis blogs son una casa abierta a todas las culturas, religiones y países. Se un seguidor si quieres, con esta acción usted está construyendo una nueva cultura de la tolerancia, la mente y el corazón abiertos para la paz, el amor y el respeto humano.

Gracias :)

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