Photos - Fotos: Paul Fusco - USA. California. San Francisco. Living with AIDS - Part 1 - Links
Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in Photos - Fotos: Paul Fusco - USA. California. San Francisco. Living with AIDS - Part 1 - Links | Posted on 14:41
USA. San Francisco.
1993. AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. Val Robb examines Toni, with her assistant,
Carolyn. Val, a R.N., convinced the clinics to establish services in the hotel.
She is there full time and oversees the programs. Everyone is for the program
Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. AIDS at the Ambassador
Hotel. Andy and his lover of ten years moved into the Ambassador 3 years ago.
Recently his lover moved to another room. Andy is alone now and trying to be
positive about learning to live with AIDS.jpg
USA. San Francisco.
1993. AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. Andy and his lover of ten years moved into
the Ambassador 3 years ago. Recently his lover moved to another room. Andy is
alone now and trying to be positive about learning to live with AIDS
Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco, California. 1993. Ambassador Hotel. Joey comforts his lover and roommate Toni, who has AIDS
Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco, California. 1993. Ambassador Hotel. This man is a friend of people with AIDS that live at the hotel. He does not have AIDS and is not gay. He is an alcoholic
Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco, California. 1993. Ambassador Hotel. Toni and James are both residents in the hotel and both suffer from AIDS.
Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco, California. 1993. Ambassador Hotel. Until a few months ago, Ken lived on the streets with his buddies. One died of alcoholism, others drifted off, and AIDS caught up with Ken.
Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. A medical team visits their patients each week. Dr. Teresa Black examines and counsels Dorian in the lobby
Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. Aerial lives in his room with several cats
Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. Aerial's I.Q. must be 150. 20 years ago he was a psychologist working with autistic children. He says he's a hippie who never left the scene

Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. Andy
Paul Fusco USA. San Francisco. 1993. AIDS at the Ambassador Hotel. Art and Dr. Black
Photos - Fotos: Paul Fusco - USA. California. San Francisco. Living with AIDS - Part 1 - Links
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