NASA: Russia - Kamtchatka - Shiveluc. Bezymianny. Tolbachik Volcano - Erupting Kamchatka Volcanoes - 10.07.13
Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in NASA: Russia - Kamtchatka - Shiveluc. Bezymianny. Tolbachik Volcano - Erupting Kamchatka Volcanoes - 10.07.13 | Posted on 15:15

acquired July 1, 2013
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acquired July 1, 2013
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acquired July 1, 2013
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There are currently five erupting volcanoes on the Kamchatkan Peninsula: Shiveluch, Bezymianny, Tolbachik, Kizimen, and Karymsky. NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Terra
satellite captured four of them (Shiveluch, Tolbachik, Kizimen, and
Bezymianny) in this natural-color image on July 1, 2013. MODIS detected
the heat signatures (red outlines) of the lava domes
on Shiveluch and Kizimen, and the spreading lava flows emanating from
Tolbachik. The activity at Bezymianny was imperceptible from 705
kilometers (438 miles) above.
- Kamchatka Volcanic Eruption Response Team (2013, July 4) Kamchatkan and Northern Kuriles Volcanic Activity. Accessed July 5, 2013.
NASA image courtesy Jeff Schmaltz LANCE/EOSDIS MODIS Rapid Response Team, GSFC.
- Instrument:
- Terra - MODIS
NASA: Russia - Kamtchatka - Shiveluc. Bezymianny. Tolbachik Volcano - Erupting Kamchatka Volcanoes - 10.07.13
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