Photos - Fotos: Cristina Garcia Rodero - Venezuela - Maria Lionza. La Diosa de los ojos de agua - 23 photos - Links

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 16:56

Cristina Garcia Rodero 
Esprits dans la nuit, Venezuela, 2008

Cristina Garcia Rodero PossedŽ, Venezuela, 2008

Cristina Garcia Rodero
 PossedŽe, Venezuela, 2008

Cristina Garcia Rodero 
VENEZUELA. State of Yaracuy. Sorte mountain. 1999. A beat for the soul.

Cristina Garcia Rodero 
VENEZUELA. State of Yaracuy. Sorte mountain. 1999. An act to release the evil spirits

Cristina Garcia Rodero 
VENEZUELA. State of Yaracuy. Sorte mountain. 1999. An altar for the black Francisca

Cristina Garcia Rodero VENEZUELA. State of Yaracuy. Sorte mountain. 1999. The farewell of the caravan

Cristina Garcia Rodero VENEZUELA. State of Yaracuy. Sorte mountain. 1999. The leaving of spirits

Cristina Garcia Rodero VENEZUELA. State of Yaracuy. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. A baptised child. 2004.

Cristina Garcia Rodero VENEZUELA. State of Yaracuy. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. Absence. 2004

Cristina Garcia Rodero VENEZUELA. State of Yaracuy. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. Baptised with blood. 2004

Cristina Garcia Rodero 
VENEZUELA. State of Yaracuy. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. Coronation on the Sorte mountain. 2004

Cristina Garcia Rodero 
VENEZUELA. State of Yaracuy. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. Mr. Erik El Rojo. 2004

Cristina Garcia Rodero 
VENEZUELA. Yaracuy state. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. 2005. 
Transmission of spiritual fluids

Cristina Garcia Rodero 
VENEZUELA. Yaracuy state. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. 2005. 
Wake in absentia

Cristina Garcia Rodero 
VENEZUELA. Yaracuy state. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. 2006. 
A collective vigil for strength.

Cristina Garcia Rodero 
VENEZUELA. Yaracuy state. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. 2006. 
A gift to the Indian of Peace

Cristina Garcia Rodero 
VENEZUELA. Yaracuy state. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. 2006. 
A vigil for strength

Cristina Garcia Rodero 
VENEZUELA. Yaracuy state. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. 2008

Cristina Garcia Rodero 
VENEZUELA. Yaracuy state. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. 
A barbaric spirit. 2002.

Cristina Garcia Rodero 
 VENEZUELA. Yaracuy state. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. Beneath the shroud. 2002

Cristina Garcia Rodero 
VENEZUELA. Yaracuy state. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. Recovery. 2002

Cristina Garcia Rodero 
VENEZUELA. Yaracuy state. Sorte mountain. Maria Lionza cult. Silhouette. 2002.

Photos - Fotos: Cristina Garcia Rodero - Venezuela - Maria Lionza. La Diosa de los ojos de agua - 23 photos - Links

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Gracias :)

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