Photos: Ian Goulden - Part 4

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 20:47

After the singing of ritual songs,inhaling of smoke from the burning of holy star-leaves and chewing on sacred seeds the Shaman was lifted up out of his brightly coloured forest home and granted a vision of the remote future. It was not a vision he would want to return to.  

Back to the digital photomontage style. Much as I love real cameras and film, there's something hugely satisfying about putting together these multi-layered images. Often it is the ephemera that survive- the photographs the banknotes, and the letters - the buildings themselves are not always so fortunate. 

Extra! Extra!
Assyrian stone Demon escapes from British Museum!
Great danger to the Public!
The Police are out in force.
Mr Holmes is on the case! 

Images- like words- have a life of their own- and when we take them and rearrange and combine them they create stories. These two people in life maybe never met- their photos were in the same tray in a junk shop when I bought them a few weeks ago. But now they are together and corresponding by post in some parallell universe of a hundred years ago and a few wormholes in space away. Because in an infinite universe everything must happen somewhere. A writer conjures up new worlds at the keyboard or with pen and paper- the same thing happens with art, shop window dressing, photomontage and collage. Maybe the difference between creativity and creation is not so great as we imagine... 

"Why this is hell, nor am I out of it.
Think'st thou that I, who saw the face of God,
And tasted the eternal joys of heaven,
Am not tormented with ten thousand hells
In being deprived of everlasting bliss"
from Dr Faustus, Christopher Marlowe

Ricardo Marcenaro
Sculptures – Esculturas

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Gracias :)

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