Photos: Ian Goulden - Part 3

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 15:27

It was whispered that Lady Alice's interest in levitation, angels and unholy spirits went a little too for.

More escapes from the British Museum!
London Underground closed ! 
Or  know thyself
A photomontage from a 19th Century book illustration and an illustration by Edmund J Sullivan
They were simple farming people and loved their two sons dearly. James was all they could have wished for in a son but Gerald was a constant worry to them. 
Tired of continuous interruptions and wishing to avoid the attentions of the Press the evil Dr Moreau decided to find a more remote location for his biological experiments. Experiments which he was always careful to test first of all on himself. 

Ricardo Marcenaro
Sculptures – Esculturas

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