Chile: Valdivia - Landscapes - Paisajes - 14 photos fotos - Links

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 20:12


 Valdivia is just inland from the west coast of Chile, about 400 miles south of Santiago. This area is quite wet, receiving almost 100 inches of rain per year. The Valdivian forests are named after Valdivia, though in this area, many of the original forests had been cut down.

First a few views along the Rio Valdivia...

Note the sea lions on that small platform!

The oddly shaped Pedro de Valdivia hotel...

A street near the city center...

Plaza de la República...

A middle class neighborhood near the city center...

Across the river from downtown...

Río Valdivia closer to the coast...

And a couple coastal pics...

All of the above pictures on this page were taken in November 2009 by Brandt Maxwell. 

 Chile: Valdivia - Landscapes - Paisajes - 14 photos fotos - Links

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