Fossils - Fosiles: Triassic Conifer Petrified Wood from Madagascar - Links
Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in Fossils - Fosiles: Triassic Conifer Petrified Wood from Madagascar - Links | Posted on 13:25
Conifer Petrified Wood
Division Pinophyta, Class Pinopsida
Geological Time: Triassic
Size: Fossil is 10 ” x 5 1/2”
Fossil Site: Mahajanga, Madagascar such a fantastic sight
Division Pinophyta, Class Pinopsida
Geological Time: Triassic
Size: Fossil is 10 ” x 5 1/2”
Fossil Site: Mahajanga, Madagascar such a fantastic sight

Description: This finely polished and lustrous specimen shows a wide array of brown, and tan hues. It would make a unique decorative piece, or splendid addition to your fossil collection. Madagascar produces, by far, the Conifer treeslargest commercial and most affordable quantity of brown petrified wood sold on the world market.
Petrified wood is the name given to a special type of fossilized remains of terrestrial vegetation. It is the result of a tree having turned completely into stone by the process of permineralization. All the organic materials have been replaced with minerals (mostly a silicate, such as quartz), while retaining the original structure of the wood. The petrifaction process occurs underground, when wood becomes buried under sediment and is initially preserved due to a lack of oxygen, which inhibits aerobic decomposition. Mineral-laden water flowing through the sediment deposits minerals in the plant's cells; as the plant's lignin and cellulose decay, a stone mold forms in its place. In general, wood takes less than 100 years to petrify. The organic matter needs to become petrified before it decomposes completely.
Petrified wood is the name given to a special type of fossilized remains of terrestrial vegetation. It is the result of a tree having turned completely into stone by the process of permineralization. All the organic materials have been replaced with minerals (mostly a silicate, such as quartz), while retaining the original structure of the wood. The petrifaction process occurs underground, when wood becomes buried under sediment and is initially preserved due to a lack of oxygen, which inhibits aerobic decomposition. Mineral-laden water flowing through the sediment deposits minerals in the plant's cells; as the plant's lignin and cellulose decay, a stone mold forms in its place. In general, wood takes less than 100 years to petrify. The organic matter needs to become petrified before it decomposes completely.
Conifer Petrified Wood
Division Pinophyta, Class Pinopsida
Geological Time: Triassic
Size: Fossil is 10 1/2” x 5 3/4”.
Fossil Site: Mahajanga, Madagascar
Division Pinophyta, Class Pinopsida
Geological Time: Triassic
Size: Fossil is 10 1/2” x 5 3/4”.
Fossil Site: Mahajanga, Madagascar

Conifer Petrified Wood
Division Pinophyta, Class Pinopsida
Geological Time: Triassic
Size: Fossil is 6 1/2” x 5” in diameter and 3” in thickness; The weight is 5 pounds 6 ounces
Fossil Site: Mahajanga, Madagascar
Division Pinophyta, Class Pinopsida
Geological Time: Triassic
Size: Fossil is 6 1/2” x 5” in diameter and 3” in thickness; The weight is 5 pounds 6 ounces
Fossil Site: Mahajanga, Madagascar
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