Music: Louis Armstrong - Adios Muchachos - Basin Street Blues (Lyric) - Stompin' At The Savoy - 3 Vids
Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in Music: Louis Armstrong - Adios Muchachos - Basin Street Blues (Lyric) - Stompin' At The Savoy - 3 Vids | Posted on 15:24
Louis Armstrong - Adios Muchachos
La letra no está incluida, porque la letra en Inglés está totalmente equivocada si la comparamos con la letra en Español.
The lyric is not included, because the lyric in English is totally wrong when compared with the lyric in Spanish.
The lyric is not included, because the lyric in English is totally wrong when compared with the lyric in Spanish.
One thing is an adaptation, another matter is a joke
Una cosa es una adaptación, otra cosa es una broma
Una cosa es una adaptación, otra cosa es una broma
Louis Armstrong - Basin Street Blues - 1959
Won't you come and go with me
Down that Mississippi
We'll take a boat to the land of dreams
Come along with me on, down to New Orleans
Now the band's there to greet us
Old friends will meet us
Where all them folks goin to the St. Louis Cemetary
Heaven on earth.... they call it Basin Street
I'm tellin' ya, Basin Street...... is the street
Where all them characters from the First street they
New Orleans..... land of dreams
you'll never miss them rice and beans
Way down south in New Orleans
They'll be huggin'.... and a kissin'
That's what I been missin'
And all that music....lord, if you just listen'
New Orleans....I got them Basin Street Blues
(instrumental break)
Now ain't you glad you went with me
On down that Mississippi
We took a boat to the land of dreams
Heaven on earth...they call it Basin Street
Down that Mississippi
We'll take a boat to the land of dreams
Come along with me on, down to New Orleans
Now the band's there to greet us
Old friends will meet us
Where all them folks goin to the St. Louis Cemetary
Heaven on earth.... they call it Basin Street
I'm tellin' ya, Basin Street...... is the street
Where all them characters from the First street they
New Orleans..... land of dreams
you'll never miss them rice and beans
Way down south in New Orleans
They'll be huggin'.... and a kissin'
That's what I been missin'
And all that music....lord, if you just listen'
New Orleans....I got them Basin Street Blues
(instrumental break)
Now ain't you glad you went with me
On down that Mississippi
We took a boat to the land of dreams
Heaven on earth...they call it Basin Street
Louis Armstrong - Stompin' At The Savoy - 1959
Music: Louis Armstrong - Adios Muchachos - Basin Street Blues (Lyric) - Stompin' At The Savoy - 3 Vids
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Mis blogs son una casa abierta a todas las culturas, religiones y países. Se un seguidor si quieres, con esta acción usted está construyendo una nueva cultura de la tolerancia, la mente y el corazón abiertos para la paz, el amor y el respeto humano.
Gracias :)
¡¡¡Felicidades, Ricardo, ésto es una joya de buen gusto!!! Saludos y felicitaciones desde Toluca, México hasta Buenos Aires, Argentina...
Gracias Benjamín, qué bueno que compartas el gusto, son todas grabaciones de 1959, que son muy buenas.
Retribuidos tus saludos desde Buenos Aires, también a tu gente Mexicana que tanto amo. Lo mejor para tí y los tuyos. :)