Drawing - Tale. Dibujo - Cuento: Elise Oppenheim - Wimbish and High - Elise words in English - Ricardo Marcenaro words palabras in English y Español

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 21:20

Lizzy Lu was created by Elise Oppenheim, Graphics illustrator and writer. She has writen and illustrated several childrens stories a well as a series of vignettes anthologized into mini mysteries. Her style possesses a sense of humor coupled with Light heartedness and whimsy. She currently lives in Atlanta, Ga., gathering inspiration wherever she goes.

I love the work of Elise, fresh, bright, full of air, impeccable, joy, above all, of both subtle humor in the details that are always many.
I seen their drawings, I read their stories, and I smile.
I smile, and find echoes that inhabit me.
I have a good feeling with Elise work's.
And I think: Elise Oppenheim has an painter inside her.
She is an artist, and a good one, without doubt.

Ricardo Marcenaro

Me encanta el trabajo de Elise, fresca, brillante, lleno de aire, impecable, la alegría, sobre todo, de tanto humor sutil en los detalles que siempre son muchos.
He visto sus dibujos, he leído sus historias, y sonrío.
Sonrío, y encuentro los ecos habitándome.
Tengo una buena sensación con el trabajo de Elise.
Y pienso: Elise Oppenheim tiene un pintor en su interior.
Ella es una artista, y uno buena, sin lugar a dudas.


Drawing - Tale. Dibujo - Cuento: Elise Oppenheim - Wimbish and High - Elise words in English - Ricardo Marcenaro words palabras in English y Español

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Gracias :)

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