Mountains - Montañas: Kilimanjaro - Tanzania - Middle slpopes - Laderas medias - 14.000 feet to the top - Marangu Route - Ruta Marangu - Escalada - Montañismo
Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in Mountains - Montañas: Kilimanjaro - Tanzania - Middle slpopes - Laderas medias - 14.000 feet to the top - Marangu Route - Ruta Marangu - Escalada - Montañismo | Posted on 9:20
These pictures were taken above 14,000 feet (along the Marangu Route). For pictures taken between 10,000 and 14,000 feet, go here, and for pictures taken below 14,000 feet, go here.
First...a view of the top of Kilimanjaro from 14,000 feet (at this point, it's a total desert).

A spiny desert plant (Carduus keniensis--no common name, though) at 14,500 feet...

Kibo huts at about 15,300 feet (the highest shelter/last sleeping place before the top)...

View of Mt. Mawenzi (16,890') from near the Kibo Huts...

Thick clouds on the lower slopes at dusk (viewed from the Kibo Huts)...

Thunderhead (and other clouds) at dusk (viewed from the same location)...

View up towards the top of Kilimanjaro from 15,500 feet...

Small cave (often used for emergency shelter) at around 17,000 feet...

Kibo Crater near the very top (hikers have been trapped in this crater before, too exhausted to climb back up!)...

Almost there...view of the summit from within 500 feet of elevation from the top...

View down (to the south) from just below the top (albeit quite hazy)...

Main glacier near the top...

Another view...

View to the northeast across Kibo Crater and the smaller glacier on the far rim (and clouds on the other side)...

Finally...Uhuru, the top of Kilimanjaro (and, of course, proof I was there)!

The assistant guide/"guide in training" (the main guide didn't quite make it!) and me...

All of the above pictures on this page were taken in February 2008 by Brandt Maxwell.
Mountains - Montañas: Kilimanjaro - Tanzania - Middle slpopes - Laderas
medias - 14.000 feet to the top - Marangu Route - Ruta Marangu -
Escalada - Montañismo
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