Music: Unicorn Jones - Ten Thousand Things - David Banks

Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in | Posted on 3:58

Unicorn Jones - Ten Thousand Things - David Banks

Unicorn Jones is the band comprising David Banks, John Beck and Dick Nolan.

In 1996 David was approached to record an album of Bacharach songs and enlisted the help of John and Dick. While working on the album, however, they stumbled across something quite special.

Over the next year, fuelled by emotional turmoils and their famous excesses, they wrote over thirty songs. Using drum loops and samples they married Nolan's near sexual basslines and the glorious madness of Beck's keyboards and accordion to Bank's psychopathically romantic voice. They describe their music as High Cabaret but refuse to say what that means.

This is the sound of Unicorn Jones.

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