Chile: Fray Jorge National Park near La Serena - Links
Posted by Ricardo Marcenaro | Posted in Chile: Fray Jorge National Park near La Serena - Links | Posted on 5:41
Fray Jorge National Park is along the coast of Chile naerly 300 miles north of Santiago. Despite having very little rainfall (around 5 inches per year), there are small patches of Valdivian forest due to moisture from the fog and very low evapotranspiration rates (due to very cool summers--similar to that of the central coast of California--in this region of maximum upwelling of coastal waters). This is despite being near 30 degrees South latitude (versus around 36 degrees North for the central coast of California).
First, a view of the small patches of Valdivian forest (from the desert)...

In contrast...a view within one of those small, yet incredibly dense, patches of forest...

The transition area just outside the forest...

Looking east from the top of the mountain, there's desert...

But looking west, there's the coast (shrouded in fog)...

View of a bit of ocean...

Marine layer fog attacking the mountain tops (with a nice clump of Puya chilensis in the foreground)...

Back in the forest, here's a thicket of olivillo trees (Aextoxicon punctatum)...

The yelmo shrub was very common here (Griselinia scandens)...

Lichens near the edge of the forest...

A view combining the ocean, fog and forest...

View of the marine fog from the desert side...

A bit further east in the desert was this excellent stand of Chile's most common trunk cactus, Echinopsis chiloensis.

Another nearby spot (this time with more boulders)...

All of the above pictures on this page were taken in November 2009 by Brandt Maxwell
Chile: Fray Jorge National Park near La Serena - Links
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